Monday, December 11, 2006

Oh, ye of little faith.

Some of you thought it would never happen. Some of you denounced this blog as defunct and dead and deteriorated beyond repair! In many ways you were correct.

I have not blogged in a very, very long time. Why? Meh. I don't know. Didn't feel like it.

I'm attempting to revive this corpse with rituals and incantations, hoping against hope that it can come back. Even if as a shambling zombie creature, I'll be pleased.

Much has and has not changed since the last update. Still getting married in 6 months. I am no longer wasting hours of my life playing World of Warcraft. I do still read voraciously. Much of my time is now consumed with working, planning our honeymoon, sleeping, and watching movies. I'm also devising a possible screenplay for a short film based on an hilarious life experience.

So a tiny update. But its still an update.

Fie on you naysayers.
Holy Crap! I am certianly one who gave up this blog as left for dead.
Dang. I've been fied on...
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