Monday, February 06, 2006

B movies = bad movies? I think not.

I am a connoisseur of really bad movies.

My fascination with B movies started with the series Mystery Science Theater 3000. (Which if you've never seen, then shame on you.) Sitting in the "The Cave" (the space under the stairs at CCH which I continued the tradition of furnishing and inhabiting) watching video cassettes of this show gave me the urge to find more and more terrible movies.

Horror movies, I've found, tend to be the best of the worst. The make up, creature effects, and "gore" are often stimuli for grand hilarity. Movies like The Dentist, Gingersnaps, and Re-Animator have left me laughing at their serious attempts to frighten audiences with terrible effects and even worse plot lines.

The best bad movies are the ones that realize they are bad and make fun of themselves in the process. Undead, an Aussie flick, is a prime example of a bad movie that knows its bad. In the DVD special features the filmmakers discuss the low budget and its effect on filming.

So, what is your favorite bad movie and why?
I'm partial to Monkeyshines. A film about a helper monkey that has a psychic connection to his quadropalegic owner.

Why? A Monkey. A Killer monkey. What more could you ask for?
such an unfair question... but as you know, im partial to Buckaroo Banzai...though there is also Bubba Ho-Tep.... or Second Variety,
the firstand third both have Peter Weller and endless one-liners... the second, Bruce Campbell as an elderly Elvis
High concept posting... what if I make my blog only of posts on other peoples blogs? Of course, I may then have to post where I commment...
My favorite bad movie actually stars an old college friend formerly known as Gretchen Maxwell. It falls into the category of a sexed-up Sci-Fi.

The movie:
Lost on Mars (check out pics at

The plot:
Can we say complete crap!

The laughter affect:
No wonder you're so good in the movie category of Balderdash!
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