Monday, October 03, 2005

Why I hate Byron Grimes

Ok, the title is a bit of sensationalism. I admit that. It is also sarcasm, irony, libel, opinion, and nonsense.

I hate Byron because he has me addicted to disc golf. Its, like, golf...but with discs. We've played three times in the past two weeks. Twice here in town, once in far off Effingham. The Effingham course was far better than the one here.

The reasons I like it so much: 1) Its exercise. (something generaly lacking in my desk job lifestyle) 2) Its outdoors. (Also, job related. Working weird shifts sucks.) 3) I'm getting pretty good. (I eagled a par 4 yesterday.)

So now I need to stop mooching discs from Byron and buy my own. They're hard to find around here, at least left-handed discs are.

So Byron, a pox upon thee for a clumsy lout! You'll pay, oh, you'll pay!
why i hate robb henry:
1. i didn't know he had a blog, and found it only by reading tammy's blog and finding jessie, reading jessie's blog and finding barry, and reading barry's blog and finding robb.
2. robb spelled his name funny in his blog so i had to read every word to make sure that it was really him. (actually i would have read every word anyway, so i'm not sure if this one counts.)
3. robb said i would see him at my wedding, and then i didn't.
4. i don't really hate robb at all.
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