Friday, June 24, 2005

Here's your stinkin' update

There have been some whiners (guys named John mostly) that have taken issue with my lack of posts to this blog. Well I have something to say about that...not everyone's life revolves around sharing the inane minutiae therein with the idiot masses. Some of us have other things going on, like trying to get the ball rolling on the infinite hassle that is buying a home.

So if you John's out there would spend some time in deep comtemplation of your navel instead of waxing poetic on the latest B-movie Batman the world would be a less horrible place to endure.

Sit on it Pottsy!

[The preceding message was intended as a sarcastic zing to Johnny D. To all other "John"s who may have been offended, you should grow up. :D ]
I, for one, am deeply offended.

But I'm sure I'll get over it.

Or something.
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